Shadow services

Obtain natural shadows that highlight the best features of your merchandise.
At a cost that is more than justified, use outsourced shadow creation services to give your product shots a more realistic appearance.

Drawing drop shadows all day saps your enthusiasm for what you do.

Realistic shadows are essential for your products to look good. Shadows make your products pop off the page and give your images character.


You need layer upon layer of shadows, especially for detailed product features; one shadow won’t do. However, that’s not what you signed up for—layering, masking, tinkering with density, and feathering for hours on end. It takes time and attention to create a realistic shadow because the built-in drop shadow tool is terrible. moreover, time. A great deal of it.

Why ecommerce entrepreneurs and photographers outsource their Photo Editing projects to
Path Edits Pro Team

We don’t use any automated software here. Every edit is done by hand. We’re not done until every piece of clothing and accessory looks natural and the colors and textures are just right.